We ain't going to change much.
The sun still rises.
Even with the pain.
I'll tell you one thing.
We ain't going to change love.
The sun still rises.
Even through the rain.
Everyone feels a little crazy.
And we go on living again.
Can we go on?
As we once were.
I'm a big believer in music therapy. A good song that resonates can catapult me out of almost any blue mood. I also believe there are very few coincidences in life. Kismet happens for a reason. There's a plan and it's bigger than us. Four years ago, today, my past life—meaning my marriage and all that went with it—ended. I was in Tahoe, which is why I came back this weekend. To disinter any remaining, persistent vestiges of sorrow and pain and let them go. For my daughters. For my partner. For my ex. And for me.
For good.
Upon arriving in this pristine mountain mecca, I drove directly to a mellow flow yoga class. The playlist included The Head and The Heart's Another Story. As it happened, the class theme honored the new moon, another non-coincidence.* Four years ago last night, there was a full moon. We took a picture of it driving home from dinner at the Hilltop Cafe in Truckee. It was the last picture we took as an "intact" family. (Although we'd been broken for a long, long time.) For the first few years after that night, I would pull up the photo on my laptop and sob. Now, when I see it, I understand that my marriage was supposed to end. That full moons are followed, eventually, by new moons. That I was supposed to meet my partner, and that my ex was supposed to meet his partner (which was pointed out to me by my ex's partner, whom I adore).
That chapters end and begin ... and the sun still rises.
* The instructor closed class by sharing this excerpt from www.thepowerpath.com:
New Moon is Friday, August 14 at 8:53 AM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time).
This new moon is supportive of bringing pieces together to make a whole. Like working on a puzzle where you don’t know where a piece fits until you try it, this is a time to see what pieces fit. If they don’t fit, they are excess. If they do, make a place for them so they can become part of the whole.
This is also a way to observe your priorities. The pieces that fit nicely are the ones that will continue supporting you on your true path. The ones that do not fit are distractions, connected to something old and unimportant, or belong to someone else.