We get to do it annually in Sonoma County (or so it seems).
We don't need much, it turns out, to live our best lives.
In fact, shedding that which we don't need is not only healing but liberating. Goodbye to the ...
More tk ...
Also p.s.,
Week 5 Artist's Way w/ 20 beautiful souls, most of whom are from SoCal and know from fires and evacuations. It's the week of "The Art of Possibility" when all things in our world seemed less possible. I'm using the same book I had in 1995 when my marginalia included notes from my ex. We did it together. It was integrating and healing to remember there was a time when our dreams, our marriage, our lives were limitless. And still we are coparents, doing our level best.
Also, this is the night before my middle daughter launches to NYC ... her true north. I'm feeling a confluence of emotions to say the least. She won't sleep tonight. She will be okay. And for THAT, I exhale in gratitude.