As advocates for victims, we have a Reiki body worker/healer because self-care is critical. Jane (we will call her) is available to staff as well as clients through an OVC (Office of Victims of Crime) grant. I did a couple sessions earlier this year. It helped, in the main, or so I thought, because I had to lie still for 45m, which is NOT my wont. I've never met a mountain I didn't want to move. But I'm working on becoming more centered, more still, more Buddhist ... more like Tara Brach. Non-Attachment, especially at work, is a big part of my practice.
In week six of shelter in place, I caved and signed up for a Distance Reiki session with Jane. At the appointed time, she called and gave me an option. We could hang up and I could sit quietly while she read my energy for half an hour, give or take, and she would call back to debrief, or we could stay on the phone while she read said energy and shared her thoughts, in real time, free-form. I went with staying on the phone. More connection, please. Especially now.
We started with tapping ... then went on to the energetic stillness part.
Earlier that day, I explained it to my husband, "She will hover her hands above me through the phone, channel my energy and tell me how I'm feeling and why."
Eyebrows raised above his smirk, his deadpan riposte was "Is it too late to sign me up?"
Ten minutes into the silence, Jane said "I'm being pulled in two directions -- between your heart chakra and your throat chakra."
"Tell me more," I said, hungry for excavation, revelation.
"I just keep seeing an infinity sign between these two chakras. Your heart has a story to tell, but you haven't. It's looping."
More silence. Bated breath.
"I want you to get a gold infinity necklace to hang between the two chakras to remind you that you are allowed to tell your heart's story, to share your voice."
The next day, I ordered the infinity necklace. #etsy
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