Was her given name.**
When she was born, her mama was living in a homeless shelter, having escaped, for the time being, the abusive husband.
Destiny was the first CIC (aka child in common) of four, with him.
With each child, he tightened his grip -- on her relationships, her finances, her autonomy. If she "talked back," he canceled her credit card.
29 years later, Destiny was living in the same shelter with just two children, whose father was ... in jail.
For domestic and family violence.
Having come full circle.
Speaking of the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence ... this stat stood out:
The prevalence of college-age students witnessing serious interparental physical violence while growing up typically ranges from 10% to 30% (Edleson, 1999; Jankowski, Leitenberg, Henning, & Coffey, 1999).
* Composite.
**Not really. I don't use real names.