On March 1st I took a vow, along with 39 other people, to meditate and practice yoga six days a week for 40 days, to modify my diet in a way that feels manageable (I'm a pescetarian, so I cut out caffeine, dairy and gluten) and to attend a class once a week on personal transformation. The program is based on a book by Baron Baptiste called 40 Days to Personal Revolution.
In week four, we did a 3-day juice cleanse. As a recovering skeptic of the gluten-free tribe, I'm here to report that I've never felt better, especially during the cleanse. My skin even changed. We made our own nut milks (walnut, cashew, cashew/cacao, almond) too, which I will never NOT do again. Store-bought almond milk doesn't come close.
I am feeling a renewed sense of clarity, both personally and professionally, but most important, I am enjoying getting to know the self-selecting people, the "40-dayers," as we call ourselves. We're a compassionate lot, all having arrived here for our own reasons, which we shared on Day 1, when we had to look each participant in the eye and state our intention for doing the course.
Mine? Threefold: To let go, forgive myself and see what it feels like to truly nurture my mind and body in the year that I'm turning 50.
I'm still nine days shy of the finish line, and have wicked tendinitis in my right elbow to prove it, but I can see it from here. And I like what I see.